New Giftshop, Tasting Room, and Beer Depot Location! 218 Hoesly Dr. New Glarus, WI.

New Giftshop, Tasting Room, and Beer Depot Location! 218 Hoesly Dr. New Glarus, WI.

Specialty Beers

Our R&D specialty beers are brewed in our Wild Fruit Cave and are only available at the brewery due to limited quantities.

Vintage 2024

Vintage 2024

Our American Sour Ale honors old world traditions brewed with aged whole cone hops, raw wheat, coolship, and aged in oak vats. Finally, refermented in the bottle that you hold. Cheers!

Our American Sour Ale honors old world traditions brewed with aged whole cone hops, raw wheat, coolship, and aged in oak vats. Finally, refermented in the bottle that you hold. Cheers!


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